Friday, January 29, 2010

if anyone out there actually reads this

tell me what names you like. I really like elliana laura (maybe call her elly?)but maybe there is something better? and Natasha throws me. I like natasha jordan but I dont know if eric will. I have always loved the name natasha so thats no problem but she needs a middle name. I really like the name journey but eric probably wont. its hard with both girls names ending in A. I dont like names like marie or anne for middle names. I like to be unique. I havent talked to Eric but something I read someone else did was ask the child if they wanted a new american name. then together they came up with a name both liked. If they want to stay natasha and elliana thats ok too but still will give them an American middle name. if they want a new name we will put their other names to middle names so they are never really gone. part of the fun of having kids is naming them. lord knows there is plenty of other stuff that needs doing but when you have a moment to dream you start naming.... so help me out! tell your friends to help me out too!


  1. I will think of some names. I love unique names.

  2. I read this blog! I love your family. What about Bethany, Gabrielle or Allison, Miranda or Megan or Samantha?

  3. I also read your blog!I found it throug another family who adopt from Ukraine. I love your story, you're a great mom! I really like Elliana Laura! Not too sure about Natasha Jordan, but anyway it's a cute name for a cute girl =) Well, some names i like are Aileen, Danielle, Jasmin, Faith, Erin, Rachel, Regina.. Oh, i don't know, i just love names!

  4. i love names too thats why i am in a pickle!

  5. I read too, I love picking names.
    My SIL's name is Natasha Anastasia..I like that.
    Not sure what goes with Elliana though, sorry..

  6. Love Elliana!! I like Natasha Anastasia. Very Ukrainian and that is what Laurel's name was b/4 we changed it to Laurel Anastasia. And I agree, let them help pick if they want. But be prepared if they come up with something like "purple rose" which is what my 6 yr. old niece wanted to name her baby sister when asked!!!

  7. elliana and natasha are their names now. anastasia is sophies middle name.

  8. I love the name "GRACE". Sweet and pure. Or, "JO"! ; )



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