Tuesday, June 22, 2010

a bit of the kids program. our girls are in the front (pink and green, green and yellow)and vasy is in the back in the bowtie

this is only one of several songs they did. plus the reciting. I didnt video all the kids with their speaking parts, I wouldnt have understood it anyways! and I knew the mem stick wouldnt hold it all. so I just got their singing and dancing. they loved watching their performance later via our camera.


  1. Nice video! Thanks! Please, check your mail katieostar@yahoo.com ;)Dima.

  2. It is so nice to see kids dancing to a classical peice. In the USA it would have been hip hop or someother silly (as in stupid) thing.

    Kids look great

  3. Natasha was the one on our right, right? Looks like she might be in dance at some point. :) She is so graceful!!

  4. VERY impressive! You have so ballerinas on your hands!

  5. Awesome - That was beautiful!!

  6. That was just beautiful!!! How wonderful it must be to have been there and to have it on video to cherish forever.

  7. Super cute!! you are going to have some theater majors in the family. LOL :) They are beautiful! I love Vasy in his bowtie.
    Kim B



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