Thursday, April 22, 2010

Ok girls!

Dossier is going out today! Mama will be there soon!! miss you! thinking of you every day. muah! xxoxo


  1. Have Natasha and Diana ever met Molly? (Did I get their names right?) Congrats on getting closer and closer to getting your girls!! What is the next step?

  2. natasha and molly are biological siblings. and all three girls live together right now.

  3. ps the next step is the hardest of all. waiting. waiting for dossier to arrive. waiting for translation and submission. waiting on a date to travel. waiting. HARD HARD HARD! we want our girls home!

  4. Wow, you are fast! ;) Hope everything goes well, your dossier is submitted and you can get your girls soon! Does Ben know the girls? Does he remember them?

  5. yes he remembers all of them very well and is excited to see them again.

  6. how nice for them to be reunited! Can't wait to see that..

  7. our kids used to play santa and say HO HO HO what you want for Christmas? and when it was Bens turn to sit in "santa's lap" he said "vika" which is going to be our Molly.



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