Wednesday, March 24, 2010

still no papers

I called SOS office and they said well they probably left the office on the 18th. umm yeah I dont think so, because on FRIDAY last week you were working on TUESDAYS papers and it came in on Tuesday. so if it doesnt come today I will have to go to the post and see if I can do anything or if I have to just start over. GRR. I wanted to put delivery confirmation on return envelope but they wouldnt let me. so I have no way to track it. GRR. I have yet to receive receipt or any news at all about our I600A. I did however hear that there is some trouble in our country of choice having to do with interpol. hopefully that gets worked out so others there now can bring home their babies and it wont hold up our babies. I can stay there for the ten days but can I stay and stay and stay never knowing when it will end? I have other kids at home who need me too. so I hope it all gets worked out. although I am told this is a region specific problem and NOT the region we are headed to. so hopefully thats correct. I periodically change the pictures on my laptop background and if its one of the girls Maia ALWAYS notices and points out "thats our girls!" or "thats one of our girls!" there is no doubt she is on board to bring home these girls. Ben is looking forward to seeing Molly. Oddly enough he was not thrilled at first about her but now he talks about her. Husband is working on letter of employment today. Sent letter for BCA background and havent heard back. I wasnt sure if I enclosed payment but I called there and they said if I hadnt they would have returned it immediately and they havent so maybe I did include payment? or some kind soul paid it for me if I forgot.

I dont know after this if I can send stuff for apostille. I will wait and do it all at once IN PERSON. I cant wait WEEKS for my apostilled documents that may or may not be in the mail when it comes to my ENTIRE DOSSIER!! yikes! thats scary! definitely going to go in person.


  1. sadly the interpol issue is not regional, but the whole country and all families, not just US families :(
    Hopefully it will be cleared up next week.
    This election and change of party really did a number on lots of things!



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